Saturday, October 24, 2009

Goals in the Everyday

"The poor man is not he who is without a cent, but he who is without a dream."--Harry Kemp

I got to spend lunch with a man who I love and trust, Ed Huie. I always enjoy our time together and he is someone who I've asked to speak into my life.

Here are some thoughts I've taken away from meeting with him and hearing his wise council, that may be of good encouragement to you as well.

Innate within every human being, there are at least three God-given desires....
  • The desire to worship something bigger than we are.
  • The desire to help those less than we are.
  • The desire to belong to something bigger than we are.
With those desires comes the doors that we either open or close to see them fulfilled or left unaccomplished. Like any door, they have hinges.
Hinges are the seemingly small detail to a door, but without them, the door will never open because a door is just a wall with it's hinges.

In my journey, looking for open doors has become a second nature to me and I've discovered what Ed has said many times is true, "Ministry opportunities aren't really about the door, it's about the hinges---hinges that are full of people who are dedicated, bring a distinction and are dependable."

Choose a goal for which you are willing to exchange a piece of your life. Doing so will result in meaningful relationships that will thrust you into worship, help and belonging bigger than you are.

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Hey, thanks for checking out my blog! Hope you were challenged and that you enjoyed the read.