Saturday, October 3, 2009

Outside the Apple Box Thinkers

Today my family and I enjoyed a wonderful time at the "Apple Festival" in Lincoln, AR. It was about an hour away from where we live; and with clear skies and the weather resting at 68, it was perfect.

There's a question I had pop into my head over and over again as we passed the many display tables. Here it is.
"As a Pastor of a church, what would I do here to stand out from the rest of the booths, to be a blessing to people?"

I say this because I saw two, maybe three church booths that were there. They were selling things. One even had a little basketball hoop set up for kids to play.

So if you would, send my your thoughts on what would be a blessing to people in this type of setting while helping to set a positive image for the church and it's members.
I'm asking for "out of the box" suggestions because I do not consider selling items as a way of accomplishing the goal. (My opinion, not saying it's right or wrong; just not my way of thinking)

*Please note, I am not a Pastor of a church-----not yet ;)


  1. I'll leave a thought. How about having a booth with free ice tea, or something. Could have a banner with a play on the work "refreshing" in relation to the tea and church...then also, have members walking around picking up trash (there was a lot on the ground) with eye catching shirts on that says on the front "Ask me about free refreshments" and on back church name with vision--Loving God, Loving People.

  2. Vince, I think the best booth you could have would be some sort of serving booth, which is what you added in your comment. Like the play on words, too.


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