Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Momentum is that wonderful, mysterious and mystical thing that everyone wants on their side, yet doesn't really know how to produce or harness it.
We know it when we see it; we know when we've lost it, but how do you get it?
Allow me to submit to you what I call, "the law of momentum" it goes:

"Doing new things creates momentum but those things you did will never sustain momentum."

Whenever a group, church or business does new things it causes the wheels of momentum to start moving.  However there are other factors in place currently that either cause that momentum to slow or even stop.  They are: the leader, the system and the programs; and while we don't want to admit it, when momentum is slowing we must look at all the factors currently in place to see which one needs adjusting.

The most common to replace is the leader, because after all he or she is the most visible and easiest to "blame" when momentum is lost.  Sometimes yes, a new leaders is needed BUT while you can put a "new" leader in place and see an improvement happen; the real issue is reviled once the "newness" has worn off.  It's simple, if things go back to the way they were or the same problems surface even after new leader, after new leader, then it's not a leader problem it's a system problem.

The hardest to address is losing momentum because of a program issue.  Because we all become attached to "things" that we love or grew up on or created ourselves!
Remember what created momentum won't sustain it.  This is why the McRib shows up and then disappears often.  I believe the corporate world understands this much better than the church world.
We tend to tie a "bible verse and theology" to why we do everything we do in the church.  Don't crucify me.  We should have Biblical convictions for doing the work.  But know when you do that to every program and department you have just set up that program to become the very golden calf that one day you will have to tear down.
Simply doing the same thing over and over for many years is not the goal. It's not new.  In fact it's the very thing that is causing the loss of momentum.  It's why many times the wheel is spinning but all it's doing is creating a rut.

Knowing the difference between tweaking a current system and program or letting it die and creating something new is the start to understanding and creating momentum in your organization.

As we watch the events unfold in Egypt and it's leadership, part of me can't help to ask the question, "Do some of our churches have more in common with the Egypt situation than we are willing to admit?"

Go and do new things in your churches!  Be willing to change the programs, the systems and if need be the leader.  Move forward with message!  Create momentum!!!

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